Explore our 2023 YTD performance at+159%

Investing in the new financial world in a traditional way

Start investing with PCM now, from as low as €100K.

Active risk management, with potential unlimited upside.

No ongoing costs or traditional management fee.

Only 1-year lock-in period, with optional quarterly dividend pay-outs.

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About Penning Capital Management

Penning Capital Management was created to offer investors access to risk managed, high-yield investments in the digital assets market. Penning Capital Management offers a new breed of investment funds, striking an optimal balance between capital preservation and high returns.

Family Office

Our strong focus on capital preservation with long-term compounding returns building generational wealth, makes Penning Capital Management a perfect long-term partner for Family Offices

Institutional Investor

Being dedicated to steady continuous returns, makes us a perfect match for Institutional Investors who lack internal resources to take advantage of this new asset class.

Corporate Investor

Our short capital lock-up requirement, coupled with our actively managed risk exposure, makes Penning Capital Management the perfect partner for any company looking to diversify their balance sheet.

Private Investor

Our capital requirement of EUR 100.000 investment makes our fund accessible to many Private Investors, who wants to benefit from the investment opportunities in crypto assets.

Investment strategy

Dual Portfolio Concept

Alpha & Beta with market neutral approach.

Strict Risk Management

Diversification & adaptation

Monthly Rebalancing

Preserving base Capital and maximizing Profits

Internal Risk Scoring

Assesment of volatility, liquidity, lock-up, technology, 3rd part & origin

Image of portfolio distribution

Why Penning Capital Management?

Take full advantage of a new asset class

Penning Capital Management offers an optimized exposure to the digital assets markets, without the hassle and complexitites.

Take control of your wealth

Penning Capital Management has been structured to be completely investor friendly, only performance fee based with a monthly high-watermark model.

Easily diversify your investment portfolio

Get direct exposure to high yield opportunitites from the crypto and digital assets space.

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Meet PCM’s CIO

PCM’s CIO & Head of Fund Management, together with his team balances the investment strategies, and develops innovate investment products. TImothy Hellberg is a finance professional with +13 years of experience from FX. Having lead numerous trading teams, including for the management of funds from the Norwegian Oil Fund. Timothy is now spearheading Penning Group’s alternative investment fund, as the CIO & Head of Fund mgt. for Penning Capital Management. He manages PCM, striking the optimal balance between risk management and high upside investment strategies.

“At PCM, we do so much more than just create great risk managed returns for our investors. It’s through the mixture of our quantitative, mathematical approach combined with more traditional investment methods that we hope to inspire the whole market to move towards a more secure and stable way of investing into the digital asset space. And I’m sure that through both the returns and the risk exposure PCM delivers, investors will not only see this is possible, but also very beneficial.”

- Timothy Hellberg


Timothy Hellberg

Chief Investment Officer


Portrait of Martin Hebsgaard Jessen

Martin Hebsgaard Jessen


Portrait of Timothy Hellberg

Timothy Hellberg


Christian Skov

Junior Quant Analyst

Portrait of Tue Sørensen

Tue Sørensen

Junior Quant Analyst

What is SDAPs?

Structured Digital Asset Products

Penning is amongst the pioneers within SDAPs.

A structured product is essentially a basket of assets, structured in such a way that you know exactly the price, the returns, the risk and the terms.

The combination of these products provides a level of capital protection, whilst offering a well defined return, regardless of how the market moves, with a well known risk that we can hedge against.

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